Welcome Back

The fall semester is finished, which means I can finally start blogging for real again!!

I’ve been posting for a few days now on my other blog, but I’ve honestly just been out of ideas for what to post on here. So I haven’t yet, lol. I wrote something up yesterday, but it’s a little hardcore and salty after my crappy weekend at work, so I didn’t want to put it up as my first thing back. I should probably ease into that kind of stuff.

I am thinking about posting an excerpt from something I’ve been writing over the past few months. I originally wanted it to be a short story, but nine chapters in, I’m realizing that it’s going to be a novel. So maybe tomorrow I will throw a bit from it out there and see what everyone thinks. Feedback is always nice 😉

But other than that, as well as saying that this semester absolutely SUCKED, that’s all I have for you now. I hope you’ve been well, and I hope you welcome me and my stupid blogging back with open arms.

Thanks for reading, and talk to you again soon.